How does Print On Demand work?
How does Print On Demand work?
We know you, you like budget-friendly solutions.
That's exactly why our platform is completely free.
If you want to go even further, we have formulas just for you.
Our catalog is packed with high-quality, eco-friendly gems to boot.
From t-shirts and mugs to cushions and personalized covers, it's up to you to decide which products are best suited to accompany your designs and represent your brand.
Congratulations, your visuals are ready! They look great.
Now it's time to load them in 1 click on the dedicated page of our site.
This can be linked to various platforms such as Shopify, Etsy and WooCommerce, or of course to your TPOP store (offered when you create your account).
The list of integrations available via our print on demand platform can be found here.
No online store? No problem, we've got it for you: TPOP can set up your store in just a few minutes, free of charge.
Like a traditional order, you receive the amount paid by the customer for the product sold.
On our side, we get notified about the order to be printed, packed and shipped.
You won't be invoiced until the order has gone into production in our workshop, at which point you'll be left with the nice margin you'd previously allowed for this item.
You choose to create a t-shirt that you'll sell for €30 on your website and charge your customers €3 for shipping.
A customer buys this t-shirt on your site, and pays you directly, into your bank account or via Paypal, the sum of 30 + 3 = 33 €.
For our part, when your order goes into production, we will invoice you for this t-shirt at 12.50 € + 3.95 for delivery, i.e. 16.45 €.
You therefore make a margin (final profit) of 33 - 16.45 = 16.55 € on this sale.
That's all there is to it. You don't have to do anything else. Piece of cake, isn't it?