Customize my store

Here, you can customize your store as you see fit. 

It's ultra-simple, fast and modifications are instantaneous!

Here are the many options available to you when you don't have a subscription:

  • Choosing the main and secondary colors for your site
  • The font used on your store
  • Choosing your logo
  • Your store favicon
  • Button style (rounded, rectangular, shaded or modern)
  • Your home page image
  • The different welcome texts
  • Displaying new products
  • A choice of home page blocks

Then, if you've chosen the Plus or Pro subscription, you'll have access to these other features:

  • The look of your store (header and footer)
  • Top banner message (very useful when you're running a promotion, for example)
  • Hide the TPOP link at the bottom of your site
  • Create multiple blocks on the home page
  • Add a message below your welcome banner
  • Displaying a sidebar for your blog
  • Choosing the style of your blog post title
Content Translations:

Design of your store, How to customize my store, Gestaltung Ihres Shops, Wie ich meinen Shop anpasse, Design del negozio, Come personalizzare il mio negozio, Diseño de su tienda, Cómo personalizar mi tienda, Utformning av din butik, Hur du anpassar min butik