Product Manager

If you are here, we are sure that you already know everything about our company. But here are some useful facts.

TPOP is...

A young company founded by passionate people.
An eclectic and dynamic team.
A state-of-the-art printing workshop.
Eco-responsible values.
Eco-responsible products.
Warehouses for stock and logistics.
A company that is growing at the speed of light.
A digital platform ready to welcome new users at any time of the day or night.
A working environment in the heart of nature.
Projects that are born every day.
An ambitious company.

Now you know everything.

Oh yes, we are forgetting one thing: we are looking for new talent to accompany us in our development.

What you can expect as a Product Manager at TPOP

  • Design with the product management (functionalities, pricing, ergonomics, etc.).
  • Writing user stories
  • Handling of the analysis necessary for decision-making, identification and prioritisation of business requirements
  • Integration of technical constraints in the development of specifications
  • Validation of the developments made
  • Ensuring continuity in the pace of delivery of features

Qualifications required

You have a 4/5 year degree with a specialisation in marketing/product. You have 2 to 5 years' successful experience in a similar position.

You have excellent written and oral communication skills in English and French (native/bilingual).

A successful experience in digital project management would be a plus for your application. You have a business vision and are aware of market trends.

Rigorous, organised and responsive in managing your projects, you are diplomatic and you know how to motivate a team and create a good working atmosphere.

You are fluent in written and spoken English: you will be working with partners located around the world.

Our team

We're an ethical, eco-responsible, innovative team with a great sense of humor.

We are the first print-on-demand platform in France and we are growing fast worldwide for a good reason: our team is made up of passionate people. That changes everything.