Hello young people 👋
While waiting for the launch of the new version of the platform, which should not be long now, we have just added a nice customization option, free once again.
You already know the free option we offer, the personalized message (to affirm your brand or display a promo code).
From now on, your customers can add a message on the shopping cart page of your e-commerce solution (WooCommerce, Shopify, Etsy or even directly in case of a manual order): you will then just have to copy this message in the order details.
Hop, the message will appear on the delivery note - the document inserted in each of your orders - the final customer will have the chance to have a parcel from Grandma, Dad or Uncle George with a nice little note at the foot of the tree.
If you want to use this option, you must be careful: the message is not automatically added, you must check on each of your orders if a message is present.
In this period of Christmas and gifts galore, it is one more lever to encourage your customers to order on your wonderful store.
What will the slip look like? Like this:

Operation :

In this example, a lucky dad will have this little phrase printed on his delivery slip.

We hope this addition will be useful to you and we wish you excellent sales.
- The message must be a maximum of 160 characters
- Emojis or non-alpha-numeric characters will not be printed
- The addition of a message is possible as long as your order is not in production
Activate the "notes from orders" option in your store
For Etsy and WooCommerce, the "order notes" option is enabled by default.
To add the notes option with Shopify: