What's the point of a changelog?
It's easy, it's a logbook.
In this case, it allows us to keep you informed of changes to the platform.
A changelog is designed to highlight the most important updates, without going into the details of day-to-day development modifications (for example, small cosmetic changes or small patches are not listed).
We've kept things simple, with a very simple, easy-to-read page that's updated every time there's a significant change.
You will find 3 types of updates:
- Patches: if a bug is discovered or a modification is needed on an integration, it will be in this section.
- Updates: this is the section used in the event of a major update to the platform (enhancement of a function).
- What's new: new functions, new products, we use this section. We know you'll be keeping a close eye on this one.
You can find it here: the TPOP changelog.
Get ready, because we have every intention of updating it in the coming weeks.
The latest updates :
- Customized message function for your store
- Facebook chat plugin on your site
- Hot new mock-ups
We'd like to give you a sneak peek at future updates, because we're fun to be with.
- MiniPOP arrives fast
- New mockups
- New products
- The possibility of adding... external products