5 tips for a successful Mother's Day (+ 9 design ideas)
TPOP gives you its best tips and design inspirations to help you ensure Mother's Day 2024...

Hail to the mothers! We would literally be nothing without them. Apart from bringing us into the world, we'd probably all be starving if they hadn't been there to yell at us to come to the table five times a meal.
With all the gratitude, affection and admiration they inspire, it's no wonder that mothers are celebrated in no less than 50 different countries. Yes: fifty Mother's Days, so many opportunities for your shop to appeal to the most generous of the 70% of adults who intend to celebrate this date every year.
This impressive figure puts this day in third place among family celebrations, after Christmas and Easter. And believe us, it's not the kind of day where you come up empty-handed (oh no): spending on Mother's Day gifts is increasing year on year. In fact, it has doubled in 10 years, from $14 billion in 2011 to $28 billion in 2021.

Want to make the most of the prize money?
Well, we were kind of expecting it, so the TPOP team has put together a nice selection of nine designs to inspire your creations, as well as a list of the top 5 things you can do to prepare your shop for the Mother's Day highlight of the e-commerce sector. Don't worry... It's not the "drinking mother".
5 marketing tips for Mother's Day
No jealousy: target several types of customers 🎯
The number one preconceived notion about Mother's Day is that only the kids have a hand in the pocket. The reality is a bit more complex than that, as a study on the subject proves: the main consumers indeed buy mainly for their mother or mother-in-law (63%), but some also give gifts to their wife (23%), their daughter(s) (10%), and, on a smaller scale, their sister(s), their grandmother(s) or their friend(s). Thus, we advise you to vary the targets of your campaign to reach more people.
Dress up your shop for the occasion ✨
It's not just about designing products for mums; it will also benefit your brand to present your visitors with a shop that's dyed for the occasion.
And yes: given the abundance of choice presented to consumers these days, standing out by signifying that you are a more obvious choice than others (by decorating your shop with a Mother's Day banner, for example) may prove decisive in the buying process.
In order to appear as THE gift shop for mothers, we recommend that you create a "Mother's Day" category or gift guide... The public has more and more choices and less and less time: everything must be put in place to make it easier for them!
Take care of your campaigns (even at the last minute) 📣
A potentially rewarding opportunity for your shop (and your bank account)? Now is the time to make the most of it to get noticed, and that includes a campaign on social media. We advise you to experiment with different types of content (e.g. Carousel and Real on Instagram) to optimise your visibility and reach more potential customers. Always rudely effective, remember that e-mailing is not to be neglected either.
The date is approaching and you don't think it's necessary to position yourself on this event? Think again: it's true that some consumers start their Mother's Day shopping early (3 weeks in advance), but the vast majority (85%) do it at the last minute, in the week before the date.
Please note that our platform is still Print on Demand: before ordering, your customers will have to take into account the production, dispatch and reception time of your products!
Focus on customisation ✏️
In case you had any doubts, you can now be sure: yes, personalised products are still very much in vogue. A few months ago, this trend caused such a stir in the world of Print on Demand that we devoted an article to the subject:
So, yes: with public demand still strong, personalised products have a bright future ahead of them. They make very popular gifts for special occasions, as they stand out from other gifts and have the power to surprise.
Moreover, according to a statistical study, consumers are likely to pay around 20% more for a personalised product, whereas this option will cost you nothing at all. Very nice margins in prospect...
Choose your products wisely 🔍
Contrary to what one might think, betting on the quantity of products is not necessarily the right solution to boost sales: again and again, one must try to simplify the consumer's search. Drowning them under a mountain of various items will not help in this mission!
For your final selection, we advise you to concentrate on a handful of star products (such as this high-quality hoodie or this t-shirt dress) and complementary products that can easily be added to the basket(tote-bags and mugs, for example, or even matching baby bodysuits for young mothers).
And because it's all very well to work on promoting your products, but you need to have products to promote first, here are nine design ideas created with tenderness by the TPOP team to give you all the inspiration you need...
9 inspiring visuals for Mother's Day
The trend

The geek

The sportsman

Enhancing it

The customised

The modern

The duo

The pet store (because we haven't forgotten the proud mothers of cats, dogs, turtles and other chinchillas!)

We can already imagine you: pencil, graphics tablet or mouse in hand, designing your Mother's Day designs on an assembly line, in the greatest of frenzies. That the orders are raining down on your business this year!
Statistical sources: The Shelf, Search Engine Journal, NRF, Adsvisers