10 tips for designing the most beautiful logo
When we recall all the first days of school in our lives, we can't help but feel a touch of tenderness towards the feverish little pimply kid we were back then. This chaotic mixture of wanting to please at first sight, while being different from the others, but not too different either...
Yes: we are making a subtle metaphor. Do you get it?
We're referring to logo design here! It's a bit like preparing your outfit for the first day of school: you know that this is the image that will stay in everyone's mind, so you want to go all out. Only one difference: at the time, nobody was there to tell you not to associate this legging with flowers with scratch sneakers (please, no).
But now, the TPOP team is close by, ready to come out of nowhere to advise you on the best logo design possible.
You already have a store name, perhaps thanks to our recent article... Then it's time to take that next step. You'll see, logo design is a piece of cake. Would you like a slice?
What do you mean you want four?
We knew it. You bunch of foodies.
There are six different types of logos. Complicated? Not at all! Think of it as a multiplicity of ways to express your brand's personality. Touching when you put it that way, isn't it? Personally, we're crying.

This is the most obvious version of the logo: it is a simple brand name in a font of its own, without any symbols or shapes. Particularly suitable for brands with short names that are easily readable by everyone, it will not be the best choice if your brand is called, for example, Streichholzschächtelchen.

Derived from logotypes, monograms are based on the same principle of the brand name without any other distinctive sign than the font. The only difference is that it is composed of the initials of the brand's name. This type of logo is a bit impersonal and is rarely used by e-commerce brands, especially those in the fashion world. It is nevertheless a good option for brands with complicated names wishing to be understood and recognized more easily!

"A picture is worth a thousand words", said Confucius... This is the credo of brands choosing a pictogram! This type of logo is composed of a symbol or a shape and... That's all. This has a main advantage (to be understood by everyone, without exception) but also a certain disadvantage (it does not help consumers much if they do not already know who you are). We advise you to wait until you build up a certain reputation before turning to a pictogram logo, and considering your potential (limitless, simply prodigious), we don't worry about it happening one day.
Abstract logos

Standing out from the crowd? Companies that choose an abstract logo make it their fight. This type of logo is a derivative of the pictogram since it is entirely based on an illustration: on the other hand, this type of illustration is evocative, unique, without real meaning. It was invented with one objective in mind: to reflect the spirit of the brand as accurately as possible. Pfff, they really can't do anything like the others, those ones... And that's GOOD.

That speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Well, okay, we'll give some explanation anyway because we're not paid only to drink coffee and make puns.
Mascot logos represent the brand with the help of a fictional ambassador character, a perfect reflection of the brand's values. Created from scratch by the company, it has the noble mission of uniting all ages around a friendly character: that's why we'll see them in brands that want to inspire trust, especially among families. Imagine a mascot for Chanel. Can you see it? We do: it's a lady in a suit, pouting, smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of red. We've seen more selling. That's why mascot logos are not often used in the fashion world: they don't really match this sector.

The best possible choice. Without question and very objectively of course...
More seriously: as its name indicates, this type of logo combines several of the logo styles seen above (often no more than two). Very versatile, logo-combos have the nice advantage to be more suggestive than purely illustrative logos. We note that it can also, in the long run, be used in a fragmented way (think for example of the Nike comma, which has since its appearance gained so much evocative power that it is sometimes used alone).
Well, now that we've had our fill of inspiration, let's catch our breath... The adventure has just begun! Let's see now how you can create the logo of your dreams.
Tip #1: Keep an eye on what's out there...
How do you go about creating your logo? Wait for the idea to come to you in an enigmatic dream? Go see a fortune teller so that she reads your future logo in coffee grounds?
There's more reliable: on our side, we advise you to take a look at what the competition is doing and, more globally, the market. Not to copy (copying's naughty) but to know what you like and what you don't like in what you see (it's much less naughty). Believe us, this step will be very helpful in your quest for the perfect logo!
Tip #2: ... While being original
Logos have one main purpose: they are here to distinguish brands from the others. Yes, the ones we were telling you to be inspired by in the paragraph just above. Why make it simple when you can make it slightly contradictory?
It is in fact the right balance of your cocktail between similar and differentiating codes that will make your logo effective. We would like to tell you that this balance is easy to find. But we never lie. Except when someone asks us if we're okay and we answer "yes" even though Crazy Frog hasn't released an album since 2009. Finding that balance isn't easy, but once you do, you'll definitely recognize it... And you'll have the power to shine as brightly as Bruce Willis' head in the sea of the dull hair of your competition.
Tip #3: Think about your symbols

Your choice is a logo with an illustration? Nice! Then you surely understand why you will have to focus on this visual aspect: it will be the first thing that will attract the eye of your precious potential customers. For this step, keep in mind the values and the target of your brand, whether it is for the shape of your symbol(s) or for the way they are stylized (rather classic, minimalist, retro or a childish "doodle" effect). The frame of your logo also matters: note that a round shape evokes values of unity and comfort, while a rectangular frame will inspire balance and stability. That's how important every detail is... It is a work of goldsmith, yes, but it will allow you to offer yourself the jewel you deserve as a logo.
Tip #4: Choose your fonts wisely
Fonts change EVERYTHING: here's the proof.

Something's wrong. Can you see what it is?
The whole thing is vile, yes, but more importantly, none of these fonts are consistent with corporate identity and values. The result is confusing and curious: a mishmash of sentiments that has rarely drew wallets out of handbags.
So, making the most beautiful logo also requires a good choice of font: your brand's personality is rather classic? Then why not opt for a serif font. If you want to belong to the world of luxury, a more minimalist font, without serifs (Sans Serif) could be a good choice. To help you find the right font, there are plenty of guides to help you find the right font, like here or here.
A word of advice: don't use Comic Sans MS. Really.
See for yourself with this box that contains all the occasions when it's good to use Comic Sans MS :
Yup: there are none.
Tip #5: Do not overlook the importance of colors
As you know, we associate meanings and values with certain colors: this is called color psychology. Sometimes, it goes a little far. Thanks to the internet, we discovered that blue means "peace", but also "escape" and "dream". Yellow, on the other hand, refers to joy and energy but also to illness and betrayal. Okay.
However, don't be fooled: color psychology does exist. To support this point, you only have to look at logos that you already know change their palette.

How does it make you feel? On our side, we hyperventilate.
So it's TRUE that we associate certain values and sectors of activity with colors Special... But perhaps a little less far-fetched than mentioned above. Blue is often used because it inspires confidence and serenity. Red, on the other hand, is attention-grabbing and evokes energy; It is often found in the logos of high-tech brands. To guide you in your choices, there are plenty of serious guides on the subject. Just remember that, as is often the case in branding, less is more: prefer simple palettes of three colors maximum.
Tip #6: Keep it simple
Your brand is a complex entity, full of personality, with a story of its own. In fact, it's a bit like you: it's multifaceted. That doesn't mean they all have to be in your logo: it's not that we don't like comics, we love them, but logos shouldn't look like them. Remember: the mission of your logo is to differentiate you... While remaining understandable.
Tip #7: Plan for variations

What's that again...
Nothing complicated! This is the elements of your logo rearranged in several different layouts. It's a fact: your logo, such as it is, will not fit all media, all backgrounds, all page layouts... The whole point of logo variations is there: to prepare for all possibilities. If your logo is a little complex, it will be good to plan a simplified version for the supports where it will appear in small size, as on a business card or a letterhead. If it is rather horizontal, it will be judicious to think of a version more vertical. In short, the goal is always to be easily readable and recognizable, two essential characteristics of a good logo!
Tip #8: Don't follow fashion trends
Let's do a test. What do you think of the term flash mob?
On our side, a nice balance between pity and nostalgia. And yet, we were the first to find it touching at the time. But here's the thing: as always, time has taken its toll. Associating your logo with a dated phenomenon, graphic style, or imagery ensures that, in a few years, it inspires the same thing as flash mobs. Or even tecktonik... No, really, your brand deserves better.
Tip #9: Don't forget the black & white version
When we found the logo we like, we want to put it everywhere, on glossy paper of the best quality, in museum quality printing... So that it graces the eyes of all those who have the chance to cross its path. In reality, it's a little different: color and high-definition printing is not always within our reach. Take the examples of business letterheads or our shipping labels that are placed on packages: this type of printing is done in black and white. It is therefore recommended that you ensure that the contrast and overall design of your design is suitable for black and white printing before approving it.
Tip #10: Don't let yourself get (too) worked up
If you wish, let's study a picture together...

No, this is not a dusty engraving straight out of the museum of York. This is the first Apple logo, created in 1976.
Is it effective? No. Is it fitting? No. Is it beautiful? We won't say anything because beauty is subjective. We can however underline that our eyes are burning.
Apple may not have made the most judicious choice of logo in its early days: has this prevented the company from becoming as big as it is today? No, it hasn't! Here is the proof that your choice of logo, although important, is not a matter of life or death for your brand. You can change it along the way, and most companies do... So relax and enjoy the ride, folks!
Are your graphics skills very, very limited? You know how to use the pencil and eraser tools in Paint... And that's about it? Don't worry, you can still have a nice logo. You can hire a professional designer to create it, or you can use one of the online logo creation tools we talked about in a previous article...
On the contrary, our assistance has made you want to roll up your sleeves? To create the 5-star ambassador your brand deserves? So imagine a little Labrador retriever in a pool of treats: that's how we feel about you getting started. We're not even exaggerating. We wish you the most beautiful creative phase!