2.7 - Three must-know SEO techniques

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Keep your eyes peeled, because we're about to share with you some very useful tips for your brand's visibility - and they're free, to boot!

What is SEO? What is SEO? 🤔
The acronym "SEO" stands for Search Engine Optimization.
These various techniques aim to ensure that your web page is noticed by search engines and that it benefits from good SEO (i.e. that it can be found easily, preferably on the first search page, as high up as possible).

Let's take a closer look at the three main techniques that we hope will give your store greater visibility.

This encompasses practices designed to place your site within a network of web pages. To be more precise, two practices make this possible: the creation of outbound links (from your website) and inbound links (to your website)...

1st technique: netlinking 🔗

This encompasses practices designed to place your site within a network of web pages. To be more precise, two practices make this possible: the creation of outbound links (from your website) and inbound links (to your website)...

- Outbound links: These are links to other websites that you place within pages of your website (in blog posts, for example). Google and company like you to show that you're networking. But make sure you guide your readers to relevant pages that are relevant to what you're talking about!

- Inbound links: This time it's the other way around: these links point to your site and are found on other web pages. They should be given priority, as they are highly beneficial to your website's SEO score. How do you get them? Simple: by asking potential partners directly!

2nd technique: keywords 🔑

And here's a major SEO principle: choosing the right keywords, both consistent with your brand identity and in tune with your target audience's usual searches. It's a balancing act, but when you get it right, you can expect superb results. Many guides are available to help you find the right keywords for your website. You'll also find handy tools for generating keywords, such as Wordtracker.

3rd technique: optimizing your content 👌

By content, we mean editorial content: this kind of content, when it's of high quality, is very popular with search engines. We therefore advise you to keep a blog and feed it with relevant articles, packed with important keywords without appearing robotic.

We hope your website will become a true SEO reference! Take good care of yourself.